1 Inhibition Effect of Water Injection on Afterburning of Rocket Motor Exhaust Plume 中国航空学报(英文版) 姜毅;马艳丽;王伟臣;邵立武 2010 SCI、EI
2 舰载导弹垂直发射系统燃气流场的三维数值计算 12博BET官方网站学报 姜毅 2002 核心
3 双喷管火箭发动机燃气流场的三维数值计算与试验 12博BET官方网站学报 姜毅;刘琪;王刚 2002 核心
4 机载导弹发射时燃气流场的数值 弹箭与制导学报 姜毅;张晓琳;刘琪 2002 核心
5 冲压式舵机腔内工作压力随飞行速度变化规律的数值仿真 兵工学报 姜毅;刘琦;张晓琳 2004 EI
6 斜喷管燃气射流气动干扰数值模拟 宇航学报 傅德彬;姜毅;张杰 2004 EI
7 燃气射流气固两相数值模拟与颗粒冲刷分析 弹箭与制导学报 傅德彬;姜毅 2004 核心
8 燃气射流气固两相流场研究 12博BET官方网站学报 傅德彬;姜毅;袁增凤 2004 EI
9 同心筒自力发射燃气排导优化设计 弹箭与制导学报 傅德彬;姜毅;陈建伟;刘琦 2004 核心
10 发射装置刚柔耦合仿真分析 弹箭与制导学报 傅德彬;姜毅;刘琦 2004 核心
11 燃气射流对发射车轮胎作用仿真 弹箭与制导学报 刘群;姜毅;郝继光;傅德彬 2005 核心
12 燃气流作用对车载箱式发射的动力学影响 导弹与航天运载技术 傅德彬;姜毅;刘琦 2006 核心
13 导弹头部气动加热的流固耦合数值模拟 弹箭与制导学报 郝继光;姜毅;刘琦 2006 核心
14 同心筒垂直发射装置排导燃气流的改进 12博BET官方网站学报 姜毅;郝继光 2007 EI
15 用动网格方法模拟导弹发射过程中的燃气射流流场 宇航学报 傅德彬;姜毅 2007 EI
16 一种新的动网格更新技术及其应用 弹道学报 郝继光;姜毅; 韩书永; 廖庆 2007 EI
17 液压系统半实物仿真平台设计 系统仿真学报 傅德彬;姜毅; 张强 2007 EI
18 燃气射流对发射车天线影响分析 弹箭与制导学报 刘群;姜毅;郝继光 2007 EI
19 某导弹易碎盖的开启过程 固体火箭技术 傅德彬;姜毅 2007 EI
20 Compensator design for aspheric testing using virtual glass model 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies 姜毅;王萍;齐月静;魏楠 2007 EI
21 某型导弹发动机推进剂恶劣工况下温度仿真研究 兵工学报 刘群;姜毅;郝继光 2007 EI
22 基于FPGA的非标准二次群路的分接处理 2007仪表、自动化及先进集成技术大会论文集 姜毅;齐月静 2008 EI
23 新型“引射同心筒”垂直发射装置理论及试验研究 宇航学报 姜毅;郝继光;傅德彬;耿峰 2008 EI
24 导弹发动机推进剂恶劣工况下温度分析 中北大学学报 姜毅;王艳彬;刘群 2008 EI
25 液压系统半实物仿真通信过程实施 系统仿真学报 傅德彬;姜毅;张强 2008 EI
26 固体火箭发动机尾喷焰复燃流场计算 宇航学报 姜毅;傅德彬 2008 EI
27 导弹发射过程三维非定常数值模拟 兵工学报 姜毅;郝继光;傅德彬 2008 EI
28 导弹发射筒盖开启过程数值计算及试验 弹道学报 姜毅;耿峰;张强 2008 EI
29 基于刚柔耦合模型的发射装置动力学仿真分析 系统仿真学报 傅德彬;姜毅 2009 EI
30 基于MSDM方法的粒子-固壁侵蚀效应研究 固体火箭技术 傅德彬;姜毅 2009 EI
31 Numerical simulation of the erecting system for large device 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, ICIS 2009 姜毅;张强;傅德彬;席运阳 2009 EI
32 基于容腔节点法的液压起竖系统仿真 机床与液压 张强;姜毅;傅德彬;席运阳 2010 核心
33 某低空低速飞行器气动特性计算 战术导弹技术 马艳丽;姜毅;郝继光 2010 核心
34 固体发动机燃气射流对发射平台冲击效应研究 固体火箭技术 马艳丽;姜毅;郝继光;赵刚练 2010 EI
35 湿式同心筒自力垂直热发射技术降温效果研究 弹道学报 马艳丽;姜毅;王伟臣;颜凤;郝继光 2010 EI
36 Optimization design of the rocket launching facilities and the thermal protection 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Control, ICACC 2010 姜毅;马艳丽;王伟臣;郝继光 2010 EI
37 12博BET官方网站学报(英文版) 马艳丽;姜毅;郝继光;刘伯伟 2010 EI
38 湿式独立自排导垂直发射技术研究 导弹与航天运载技术 马艳丽;姜毅;王伟臣;刘伯伟;颜凤 2011 核心
39 同心筒发射过程燃气射流冲击效应研究 固体火箭技术 马艳丽;姜毅;王伟臣;郝继光;赵刚练 2011 EI
40 固体火箭发动机尾焰注水流场实验研究 弹箭与制导学报 姜毅;周帆;张学文 2011 EI
41 舰载导弹垂直弹射出筒姿态影响因素分析 弹箭与制导学报 陈余军;姜毅 2011 EI
42 炮射导弹气动特性数值计算 12博BET官方网站学报 郭庆阳;姜毅;郭利强;石庚辰 2011 EI
43 喷水对火箭发动机羽流红外特性的抑制作用研究 12博BET官方网站学报 马艳丽;姜毅;王伟臣;郝继光;赵刚练 2011 EI
44 新型舰载同心筒发射过程流场研究 导弹与航天运载技术 邵立武;姜毅;马艳丽;王伟臣 2011 核心
45 超声速高温冲击射流注水流场实验研究 实验流体力学 姜毅;周帆;张学文 2011 EI
46 含侧喷流炮射导弹绕流场数值计算 12博BET官方网站学报 郭庆阳;姜毅;于天朋;石庚辰 2011 EI
47 舰载导弹发射数值模拟与点火时机研究 固体火箭技术 陈余军;姜毅;赵刚练 2011 EI
48 车载导弹行进间发射动力学仿真 弹箭与制导学报 陈余军;姜毅 2011 EI
49 Simulation and optimize design for deflector plate of the Vehicle mounted Vertically Thermal Launched missile Advanced Materials Research 于邵祯;姜毅;马艳丽;马艳艳;刘伯伟 2012 EI
50 火箭发动机尾焰流场注水降温效果初探 推进技术 周帆;姜毅;郝继光 2012 EI
51 基于有限状态机的多级液压缸仿真分析 机床与液压 邵立武;姜毅;傅德彬;马艳艳 2012 核心
52 车载导弹发射过程姿态模拟 弹道学报 陈余军;姜毅; 2012 EI
53 Parametric design of parts in an integrated simulation system based on asynchronous mode of pro/TOOLKIT Advanced Mechanical Design 赵刚练;姜毅;陈余军;马艳丽 2012 EI
54 Research on the jet influence on the mechanical launcher of various ignition height Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 贺卫东;姜毅;马艳丽 2012 EI
55 Study on the deployment process of low attitude interception net Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 周笑飞;姜毅;李永远 2012 EI
56 Numerical simulation on the influence of altitude on jet flow field Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 刘伯伟;姜毅;宋洋;于邵祯 2012 EI
57 Optimization design for launch box based on the effect of the shock wave Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 于邵祯;姜毅;邓佳;刘伯伟;赵刚练 2012 EI
58 Study on the Firing Table Compiling of a new type of the very low altitude interception device Advanced Research on Engineering Materials, Energy, Management and Control 钟洲;姜毅;李永远;张冲 2012 EI
59 火箭发动机射流复杂噪声测量数据时频分析 弹箭与制导学报 周帆;姜毅;张学文;郝继光 2012 EI
60 A new method of integrate simulation based on ADAMS and pro/ENGINEER 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, ICMET 2012 赵刚练;姜毅;陈余军;马艳丽 2012 EI
61 Analysis of concentric canister wall roughness effect on jet flow based on fluid dynamics 2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing System, AMMS 2012 拜云山;姜毅;周东默 2013 EI
62 Research on the initial disturbance of vehicular missile with system vibration analysis 2012 International Conference on Mechanics, Dynamic Systems and Material Engineering, MDSME 2012 张冲;姜毅 2013 EI
63 Launching dynamics simulation of ship-board rocket gun 2012 International Conference on Mechanics, Dynamic Systems and Material Engineering, MDSME 2012 曾伟;姜毅 2013 EI
64 Mechanics analysis with different open lid time on shockwaves in launch box 2013 3rd International Conference on Automation, Communication, Architectonics and Materials, ACAM 2013 曹全峥;姜毅;杨征然;于邵祯 2013 EI
65 Deflecting features of gas from double-faced deflector and structure optimization of deflector 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Mechanical Engineering, AMME 2013 史少岩;姜毅;董晓彤 2013 EI
66 Failure analysis of a composite frangible cover based on transient dynamics 3rd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, ADME 2013 曾伟;姜毅 2013 EI
67 间接法求解具有最大横程的再入轨迹 12博BET官方网站学报 李永远;姜毅;;高伟涛;黄春平 2013 EI
68 考虑导轨间隙的在轨分离动力学计算方法 力学学报 赵刚练;姜毅;陈余军;董晓彤 2013 EI
69 考虑圆柱铰链间隙的多刚体系统动力学计算方法 振动与冲击 赵刚练;姜毅;郝继光;陈余军;龚俊斌 2013 EI
70 汽化效应对燃气蒸汽式弹射气液两相流场的影响 固体火箭技术 刘伯伟;姜毅 2013 EI
71 基于遗传算法的导弹发射系统设计参数优化 弹箭与制导学报 曾伟;姜毅 2013 核心
72 车载防空导弹行进发射过程动力学数值分析 兵工学报 钟洲;姜毅;刘群 2013 EI
73 基于FFT算法的舰载导弹发射弹位研究 振动与冲击 钟洲;姜毅 2013 EI
74 Dynamic simulation analysis of shipborne missile launching under high-wave-level environment 2012 International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics, ICAMDM 2012 钟洲;姜毅;李永远;张冲 2013 EI
75 导轨排气孔对发射箱内流场影响的计算分析 固体火箭技术 牛钰森;姜毅;史少岩 2013 EI
76 挠性航天器在轨分离冲击缓冲模糊滑模控制研究 固体火箭技术 赵刚练;姜毅;陈余军;刘冬 2013 EI
77 An improved rollover index based on BP neural network for hydropneumatic suspension vehicles,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING. 文献号: 7859521 DOI: 10.1155/2018/7859521 出版年: 2018
78 Detection Probability for Moving Ground Target of Normal Distribution Using an Imaging Satellite.CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS 卷: 27 期: 6 页: 1309-1315 DOI: 10.1049/cje.2018.08.005 出版年: NOV 2018
79 Rollover threshold investigation of a heavy-duty vehicle during cornering based on multi-body dynamics. ADVANCES 80 IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING卷: 10 期: 7 文献号: 1687814018789505 DOI: 10.1177/1687814018789505 出版年: JUL 19 2018
81 The Impact of Concrete Pavement Field Floor to Vehicle Missile Launching Process. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 文献号: 1624107 DOI: 10.1155/2017/1624107 出版年: 2017
82 The coupling effects of the missile launcher and the ground in vehicle-mounted missile erecting. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 卷: 8 期: 7 文献号: 1687814016656106 DOI: 10.1177/1687814016656106 出版年: JUL 2016
83 Cooling Effect of Water Injection on a High-Temperature Supersonic Jet. ENERGIES 卷: 8 期: 11 页: 13194-13210 DOI: 10.3390/en81112363 出版年: NOV 2015
84 Mobile Network Computer Can Better Describe The Future of Information Society. CHINA COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 13 期: 12 页: 90-96 DOI: 10.1109/CC.2016.7897558 出版年: DEC 2016
85 Mobile Network Computers Should be the Terminal of Mobile Communication Networks. WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 85 期: 4 页: 1895-1904 DOI: 10.1007/s11277-015-2878-0 出版年: DEC 2015
86 Research on the Simulation Method of Missile Adapter's Separation Based on Combined Calculation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 文献号: 9804190 DOI: 10.1155/2019/9804190 出版年: 2019
87 Horizontal Backward Launch Dynamics Modeling and Analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 文献号: 4098398 DOI: 10.1155/2019/4098398 出版年: 2019
88 Assessing Turbulence Models on the Simulation of Launch Vehicle Base Heating. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 文献号: 1624107 DOI: 10.1155/2019/1624107 出版年: 2019
89 The effect of thrust eccentric and erection cylinder anchor position on the initial disturbances. Advanced Materials Research, v 889-890, p 165-169, 2014
90 Analysis of a missile's initial disturbance. Advanced Materials Research, v 889-890, p 152-155, 2014
Coupling of missile-launcher in vertical thermal launch process. Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock, v 33, n 1, p 89-94, January 15, 2014
91 Study on the cooling effect of water injection on flame of vertical launch system. Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, v 38, n 5, p 628-634, October 1, 2015
92 Numerical analysis of fragile back cover opening process coupling with jet flow. Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii, v 36, n 1, p 87-93, January 1, 2015
93 Dynamics numerical analysis of vehicle-mounted antiaircraft missile launching on the move. Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii, v 35, n 1, p 83-87, January 2014
94 Analysis on the effect of shipborne missile launch position based on fast Fourier transform. Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock, v 33, n 13, p 210-214, July 15, 2014
95 Numerical calculation on the influence of missile exhaust plume with mechanical properties to the double-launch box. Advanced Materials Research, v 978, p 101-105, 2014
96 Influence of vaporization effect on gas-liquid two-phase flow field of ejection in combustion gas and vapor mode. Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, v 37, n 2, p 156-160, April 2014
97 Calculation and analysis about the impact of guide vents on the flow field inside the launching canister. Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, v 37, n 2, p 161-166, April 2014
98 Research on Efficiency of Additional Thrust of Thermal Launching. Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii, v 37, n 6, p 1038-1043, June 10, 2016
99 Effect of Rocket Engine Jet Flow with Water Injection on Air-flow Exhaust of Gas-flow-guided Channel. Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii, v 38, n 1, p 97-105, January 13, 2017
100 Research on distribution of flow field in launching canister with the effect of nozzle closure. Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii, v 35, n 11, p 1805-1812, November 1, 2014