1994年9月---- 1998年7月 哈尔滨工业大学自动控制专业本科学历1998年9月---- 2000年7月 哈尔滨工业大学飞行器设计专业硕士学历
2000年9月---- 2004年9月 哈尔滨工业大学计算机应用专业博士学历
2004年10月---- 2006年10月, 哈尔滨工业大学航空宇航科学与技术博士后流动站;2006年11月至今, 12博BET官方网站
1. 深空探测器自主运行;2. 深空探测器自主任务规划;
3. 深空探测器自主导航;
1. 中国宇航学会深空探测技术专业委员会委员;教学工作
指导硕士研究生7名, 博士研究生5名。主要讲授课程:1. 本科生《航天工程概论》;
1) 陈德相,徐瑞,崔平远;航天器资源约束的时间拓扑排序处理方法.宇航学报, 2014,35(6):669-6762) 崔平远,徐瑞, 朱圣英, 赵凡宇. 深空探测器自主技术发展现状与趋势.2014.35(1):13-28
3) Zhao, Fanyu, Xu, Rui,Chen Dexiang. Dynamic reconfigurable on-board real- Time operating system design based on FPGA for deep space explorer. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress,64th International Astronautical Congress 2013, IAC 2013
4) Xu Rui, Zhu Shengying,Gao Ai, Xu Wenming. Maneuver sequence planning for autonomous navigation based on multiple asteroid images.IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA 2013
5) Peng Ting, Xu Rui, Zhao Fanyu.Variable durative actions based mission planning for the approach phase of small body explorer. 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing,2012, p 114-119
6) Xu Rui, Cui Pingyuan, Cheng Xiaojun. Distributed System Architecture for Onboard Autonomy of Asteroid Explorer. 62nd International Astronautical Congress. 2011 IAF
7) Xu Rui, Cheng Xiaojun, Cui Hutao. Autonomous Pointing Avoidance of Spacecraft Attitude Maneuver using Backstepping control Method. 2011 International Conference on Electric and Electronics
8) Xu Rui, Zhu Shengying, Cui Pingyuan. Relative Position and Attitude Determination for Mars soft Landing Using Multi-points Laser Rangefinder, 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering
9) Xu Rui, Cui Pingyuan, Qiao Dong etc. Design and optimization of trajectory to Near-Earth asteroid for sample return mission using gravity assists. Advances in Space Research. 2007, 40(2): 220-225